Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last morning in Jerusalem :(

Theres's something special about seeing a city wake up....

Maybe its the clairty that early morning and half-asleep brings, or maybe its the heavenly smells of the bread makers as they prepare for the day....

Either way...I've decided that sometimes, getting up to see the sunrise is just a little more important than getting an extra hour of sleep...

Yesterday morning we woke up at 3:30 we could be ready by 4 to go to the Old City of Jerusalem...why you ask?? Because yesterday was a very big Jewish Hoilday, Shevuot. It is a harvest celebration and celebrates the revelation of the word of God- and always comes 7 weeks after Passover (similar to the Christian holiday of Pentacost). The holiday consists of people staying up all night on Thursday after festive dinners to study to Torah...the making it to the Western or Wailing Wall, the last remaining part of the 2nd temple in the Old city, before sunrise to pray....we went...and saw THOUSANDS of religious Jews practicing one of the coolest holidays ever in my opinion...

BUT unfortunately that meant we were all VERY tired..and so yesterday's trip to Masada and the Dead Sea was a long one..but a very fun one...the Dead Sea is as much fun as ever...and i feel very strongly that it is something EVERYONE should experience at least once in their life. After returning to Jerusalem, we went out to a nice dinner and got to hang out at our hotel in the garden and listen to live music all night...trying to mask our anxieties about it being our last night here with good food, good beer, and good conversations.....

Sadly, to no it is now Saturday morning, and I've just finished packing all of my stuff up to check out....and after two short meetings today, and a little more time to explore the Old City before dinner....we will be leaving Jerusalem, and this world behind..and heading for Tel-Aviv.... I'm not excited for the 12 hour flight, not because it will be boring, for I know it will be the opposite...but because, I'm not ready to leave this place just yet. It was funny...upon arriving I felt a strange sense of having returned home...and now as I contemplate what leaving means and returning back to Wisconsin...I know I'm somehow connected to this land and these people...I'm not sure how yet...but there's something there that makes me check out with a heavy heart.

In addition to that of course is the fact that I'll be leaving some of the most wonderful people in the world. The group that I am with is diverse and enchanting and I've learned SO much from each and every one of them so far...I don't want it to end....of course some of us will be returning to Madison in the fall..but others, who have said their goodbyes to the UW, are off to China and Morrocco and Greece...and I don't want to say goodbye...

I will be home tomorrow, and will fall back in to daily life there very shortly afterwards..but before the mundane-ness takes over, I am going to cherish the extraordinary for a few hours longer....

And afterwards...I will start planning my next adventure :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Kadie,

I just found out from your brother that you were traveling again and blogging about it! I know you are home now, but I did read through all your blogs, and "wow, what can I say?!” What an adventure? You sure have done a lot in the past year, more than many people do in a lifetime. Continue to enjoy, explore, and live life to its fullest. I love to read about it! Take care, Mrs. Heinzmann

Anonymous said...

I just read your final post. I'm so impressed how you've blossomed into such a worldly young woman. You will do great things with your experiences from your travels. It's such a pleasure to hear your insights, since so many of us may never have the opportunities you have been so lucky to experience. Many blessings to you as continue to educate us through your eyes.
Ms. Niemeyer