Sunday, October 3, 2010


So these will be sadly out of order, but are necessary and well over-due just the same! Enjoy!

My Hebrew Ulpan Class!

My wonderful teacher, Sara Lee, and I!

Hanging out at the beach in Haifa.

Mimi and I taking on the Red Sea! Snorkeling in Sinai.

Our gang at AL-Azhar Mosque and Univeristy in Cairo, Egypt.

WIth some of our new friends in Zagazig, Egypt.

Jumping at the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

Myself, a Beduoin man, and a camel in the Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan.

Group photo in front of the pyramids!!

A little meditation in Wadi Rum, Jordan. (After the getting our faces painted with sand)

The Great Sphynx!


Myself sitting on the Great Pyramid. (I got yelled at for taking this picture)

Whirling dirvishes, Sufi Dance show, Cairo, Egypt.

Sunrise over the top of the Sinai Mountains, Sinai, Egypt.

Our group just as the sun was beginning to lighten the sky at the top of Mount Sinai.

Just a couple handstands at sunset in Wadi Rum desert in Jordan. Nbd.

Back in the city that will always hold a special place in my heart- Amman, Jordan.

Reuinted with my family in Amman and sitting around the dinner table!

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