Sorry again for the delay in posts. This one is coming to you because I've been consistently badgered, since the last update, by one of my new favorite people-my friend Scott. He seems to think I don't write often enough?? Haha, but I guess I should be thanking him...a new post is definitely past due.
Anyway, hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Time again, seems to be flying by. Christmas is a month away now, and my time here in Haifa is dwindling ever faster. The last few weeks have been full of wonderful travels and experiences, and there are only more to come. But, I thought it only fair to fill everyone in, and take some time out after one of my favorite holidays to re-state just exactly what I'm so thankful for this year.
Thanksgiving this year for me brought with it so many things... the sadness that can only come from missing a family gathering in my family and wishing I could simultaneously be in two places at once, and of course the resounding support system that I left behind back in the States. Hearing the voices of everyone I love on Thanksgiving day not only made me a little bit sad about missing out on the time everyone was spending together, but gave me the added strength to continue my journey this year. I know I'll be back next year, and next year's celebrations will be full of the laughter and games and reminiscing as always, and I'll have new stories and experiences to share. I couldnt be more thankful or feel more blessed to have the people in my life that I do, including all of the new friends I've been able to get to know this year
You see, Thanksgiving also brought the awe and pleasant surprise of a new kind of celebration with the new people in my life. Thursday night we had a little potluck dinner that was so NOT traditional that it was hilarious. The American students here were all anxious to have some kind of mark of celebration, and as each others' pseudo-family for the year, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal on the other side of the world. And for the European, Asian, and Israeli students that came out to celebrate with us, it was a time for further cultural sharing, and as Thanksgiving is, in my opinion, one of the MOST American things I can think of, we had so much fun trying to show everyone what it means to be an American on Thanksgiving. So, while we ate chicken instead of turkey, and had German chocolate cakes instead of pumpkin pie, it was a Thanksgiving that I'm THANKFUL for. In trying to refrain from reiterating verbatum what I've said in previous new 'family' here is going to be a hard one to say goodbye to at the end of the semester..
The rest of the weekend was spent with friends down in Tel Aviv. It was a great escape from Haifa for a couple days, but it's good to be back..its good to be home. As we were returning though, some of us looked at each other with a little bit of fear in our eyes in voicing the opinion that..the day we leave Haifa for good is not far off...the day when this is no longer our home will indeed come to pass. Its a scary thought at this point in time for me. I couldnt imagine being anywhere but here, in my cozy little apartment, sipping my lemon mint juice and watching the boys that live across from me kick their soccer ball around outside every night. I couldn't imagine not having to get off at Hof HaCarmel station and take the #46 bus back to the University in order to get home. It will be very strange I think...
But anyway, it doesnt do, I suppose to dwell on the changes that are on the horizon, not if I'm to enjoy the time I have left anyway. Which, of course, I fully plan on doing. How do I plan on doing this you ask? WELL-On Friday of this week I'll be flying out to Istanbul!!! I'm SOOOOO excited! I've been reading my new travel guide and I can't WAIT to see Turkey. Of course, whenever I can't wait for something, I usually still have to...I guess that's just one of life's lovely little lessons? before I can go I have to get through this week-and this week has two midterms and a paper deadline in store, yippee!! But, honestly, I sort of welcome the ACTUAL school work...I've had quite the easy semester so far, so, it feels good to have legitimate work and studying to do. Plus, then with the schoolwork behind me, and not any other assignments or midterms in sight, I'll be able to fully enjoy my little Turkish vacation!
I absolutely love how much I'm getting to travel while here. I'm not sure if I got a chance to tell everyone about my trip to Cyprus a few weeks ago, but I thought I would include a picture just in case anyone out there has any doubts as to how BEAUTIFUL this island actually is:
The picture is of me and my friend Tyler doing "C-jumps" on the beach in Cyprus. It was by farthe most beautiful beach I've ever been to!
A small group of us took a cruise ship to Cyprus for the weekend. This, sadly, was my first cruise EVER, but definitely won't be my last! It was SOOOO much fun!! And on the night we were returning to Israel, Avraham Tal gave a concert on the ship! (He's a pretty popular Israeli artist currently). It was a weekend full of too much laughing, too much dancing, too much food, and too much of the ever-gorgeous Mediterranean. (If such a thing as too much of any of the above mentioned things could ever exist!) It was a weekend that once again made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, for being able to see the places I've seen and do the things I've done. I'm not sure how I'll ever have a year to compare to this one.
Anyway, those studies I mentioned earlier are softly calling my name from underneath my as yet unpacked bags from this weekend. So I suppose I should get back to that. I miss everyone back home-yes Scott, that means you too-and I'll be thinking of you all over the coming weeks...
Its weird to me that yesterday we were on the beach...and back home its 20 degrees outside. Should be an interesting holiday season?? I'm not sure I'll be able to enjoy the festivites as much when there's no snow involved..damn you my Wisconsin upbringing, I'm actually MISSING snow. Ridiculous. But oh well...I guess I could still make hot chocolate anyway? And I could make sand-angels instead? Hmm...don't worry, I'll keep you all posted on that as well.
Til next time~
Peace, Paz, Salaam, Shalom...
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