Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lucky to have been where I have been…Lucky to be coming home again….

It is now my very last very last few hours in Morocco, and while we made ourselves an AMAZING chicken tagine as our last meal, and we watched Mulan (in ARABIC!), and had one heart-felt group hug, still, our spirits are definitely down.

Goodbyes are never easy, especially when there’s so much love and appreciation involved. I’m going to miss this place. I’m going to miss this city and it’s 4:30am call-to-prayer wake-up calls. I’m going to miss our Arabic institute and all of our crazy, but hilarious teachers. I’m going to miss the kittens in our alleyway and getting all henna’d up…and I’m NOT going to miss the cockroaches…or getting harassed on the street…but I am going to miss the 13 amazing students I’ve spent the last 3 months with. And while I know there will always be facebook and emails…I also know that it will never be the same. Every experience in life is made special by the people you share it with, and this experience, this semester abroad, was made what it was by the people I’ve been surrounded by. I’m going home inspired to learn, grow and travel further.

One last henna party with the girls!

My new henna that I get to bring home with me!

Our little kittens on one of the rainiest days last week, too adorable for words?

And so this is my goodbye, for now. Goodbye ALIF, goodbye 26 hours a week of Arabic, goodbye winding, confusing Medina streets, and goodbye to the rooftops I’ve fallen so in love with. I hope to see you all again someday.

This view will be forever ingrained in my memory, and it will forever bring a smile to my face…

And this marks my final blog post abroad for the last 10 months. I’m sad, I’m scared, and I’m dreading the long trip home. But, as the saying goes…every ending in life is really just a new beginning. I’ve been blessed with so many new beginnings, and I can’t wait to see what the next ones might have in store for me.

I guess I’ll be seeing everyone back in Madison in no time??

Me and my girls, enjoying one of our last days out and about in the Medina, surrounding ourselves with everyday beauty…

Thanks for sharing my adventure with me.

-Photos taken by Liz Wilcox and Kellen Abraham-

1 comment:

A-Ho from De Block said...

Made me cry. So hard. I love you, and your beautiful way of words. Morocco is already not the same without you, without all of us here together.

Viva la Maghreb! We will be doing Mint Tea and hookah in Madison.