Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words. Or Maybe 10,000.

So remember how I keep saying how beautiful it is here? Well, two weekends ago I was able to go on a drive around the peninsula and take a cable car up to the top of Table Mountain (that Wonder of the World I was talking about in the last post). It was INSANE gorgeous. I think I took well over 100 photos in one day. Haha...So I just could not resist sharing photos. Or some of them at least. :)

These are some views of Chapman's Peak Drive. It is one of the [more scenic] ways to get from my house to Cape Town. 

PS These were all taken on my phone out of the [moving] car window! Pretty good, eh?

This one is one of my absolute favorite shots:

And now on to Table Mountain! Here's a view while I'm still at the bottom, waiting to go up in the cable car:

Cape Town! 

The Cable Car wires I'm about to go up in! 

This one was taken inside the cable car on the way up. Notice the reflections in the windows (still gorgeous though):

And now we've made it to the top! Check out that coast line! 

The clouds up at the top are just as famous as the mountain itself. They are called the "Tablecloth." Get it...Table Mountain...Tablecloth. Haha. 

A shot of me at the top!:

A view of Cape Town from the top of Table Mountain. 

^^ That little tiny mountain-looking thing is called Lion's Head if I'm not mistaken. And the island you see in the distance is Robben Island! 

The Table Mountain outing was a COMPLETE success. And I'm already planning my next trip up to the top..although next time I think I'm going to hike up vs. take the cable car. And they have an option where you can abseil down! YES PLEASE! Anyway, after spending the day on the mountain, and taking tons and tons of pictures (as you can see), I went out in Cape Town with a few friends and learned how to do a bit of Afrikaans dancing, sometimes called Sokkie! Woo! Read more about it here:

Then, on Sunday, I was able to go for a drive around the Peninsula and see some more fantastic views as well as learn a bit more about my surroundings. It was kind of rainy but I still was able to see quite a bit. Including a very friendly little seal off the pier in Simon's Town! 

Two of my favorite shots from our Sunday drive. 

Hard to believe that this was two weeks ago already! I have so many more photos and stories to share with you, including how the teaching has been going and how great the kids are, my very first South African Braai, a trip to the beach, and plans for the upcoming holidays here, but unfortunately, they will have to wait until the next post! I hope everyone is well! Until next time! 

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