Sunday, March 16, 2014

Star Light, Star Bright, I Wish I May, I Wish I Might....

How long has it been since you took the time to look at the night sky? Have you ever been camping somewhere completely remote? Or spent the night in the desert? Where there are so many stars the sky seems to be dotted with dark spaces rather than the other way around? When was the last time you actually took two minutes to revel in the insanely natural beauty that our world shows off at night? When was the last time you allowed yourself a few moments to breath and just look up rather than rush right inside or to your car or wherever it is that we're always rushing to. 

I took the time tonight. It was absolutely breathtaking. 

I've always had a bit of a strange fascination with the night sky. The stars always seem to be giving me some kind of sign. And whenever I see a shooting star (which happens quite often actually...they happen all the time if you actually watch for a while), but whenever I see one I ALWAYS make a wish on them. And I'm sure they'll come true. You remember that scene from the Lion King? When they're talking about how all the stars are kings from the past looking down on them and protecting them? I STILL to this day think about that every time I look at the stars. I find peace in sitting in the dark and just looking at the sky. I feel connected with my past and connected with the people I love. Speaking of the people I love, February will always be my least favorite month of the year. And the one where the homesickness will always hit hard. And this year was no exception. But those stars, and the people they stand for, helped me get through it this time. (Well, that and some lovelies back home who thought to get in touch and remind me just how much love there is in the world...and the fact that I was so INSANELY busy and exhausted for the entire month that it was over in the blink of an eye anyway..I mean it's the middle of MARCH already!!!!). 

Any way...the point is...take some time tonight or tomorrow night or the night after...go outside and lay down on your back and simply...look up. Let it help you find some answers. Or...let it help you find some better questions if that's what you need. I guess the moral of the story is somewhere along the lines of 'stop and smell the roses.' Slow down. Drink in the natural wonders and beauty in your every day surroundings. And be glad you're alive. :) 

But enough of the unwarranted life advice. Now time for some updates! 

Let's see...since my last post I've been a busy busy bee! 

Let's starts with some of those bucket list updates. I should note that I have relaxed a bit on my whole "must accomplish one thing off the list every weekend" idea. But I'm still trying to tick off as many as I can! 

A few weeks ago I was able to cross horseback riding on the beach off the list! It was a beautiful day for riding by the sea! 

Our little group of riders!
Selfie on the beach! On the horse!  

Our playground for the day.... 

My horse's name was Cognac. He was fantastic! 

To beautiful for words. 

It was a lovely day followed by some YUMMY pizza at a joint called 'The Red Herring' (which was also on my bucket list). Then the following weekend we got all dolled up and headed out to have high tea at the very famous Mount Nelson hotel! It was quite the elegant affair. There were hundreds of different kinds of tea to choose from and SOOOOOOO MANY FINGER FOODS!!! Ommm nom nomnomnomnom. I was in heaven haha. I felt just like a princess for the day!  

THIS was delicious! 

Tea, sunshine, finger foods...what more could a princess ask for?

Mmmmmmm!!! Simply scrumptious! 
Pinkies up! 
I couldn't have asked for a better Sunday afternoon. I HIGHLY recommend high tea at Mount Nelson if ever you're in Cape Town. :) 

Then the following weekend it was a full moon! And Cape Town LOVES to  celebrate the full moon. There's always a wide variety of parties, events and gatherings all over the city and surrounds. This time around we decided to hike up Lion's Head to celebrate! (A full moon hike was on my bucket list). 

It was insane. The views of the city and the sea by night were some that I'll never forget. And there were so many people! Although I have to say that coming back down the mountain in the dark was bit difficult!

We got to the top just before sunset!

A group enjoying the sights from the top

Another sunset on another beautiful day in Cape Town

But as the sun sets, the moon comes out to play! I couldn't take enough shots of the full moon over Cape Town.

SO fun!

A shot of table mountain at night. (Lion's Head is right next to Table Mountain)

SO glad I had my phone to use as a flashlight...almost stepped on this scorpion on the way down! 
I have a few more ideas for celebrating the full moon I'd like to try, so we'll have to see what the next one brings!

And then next on the bucket list....the Cape Wine Farms!  Last weekend we went to a wine festival! We visited 7 different wine farms and got to taste and test all the 'young' wines, right from the barrels! It was so cool! The wine was fantastic, the views and scenery were gorgeous, and the day was a brilliant, stunningly sunny day. I swear the sky is bluer here than normal. Haha.

These goats having a lazy afternoon at one of the wine farms! This farm makes their own goats milk cheese! 
LOVED it! 
tee hee...I thought the name of this one was funny :)

Nothing goes with yummy wine better than yummy cheese! 

And then to top off a top-notch weekend the very next day was the Cape Argus Cycle Tour. It is a cycle race over 100km long that usually has somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000 entrants. (!!!) We took some time to watch the race as the [very brave] cyclists went through town. IT WAS SO WINDY I WAS GETTING BLOWN OVER AND I WASN'T EVEN ON A BIKE! I don't know how they did it. But it was a cool sight to see! 

Go bikers go!

My favorite was when we'd see the tandem competitors! SO cool! 

Then it was back to the 'grind' haha. This past week was our last week of official classes so now there's only one more week of work left before my vacation! (And between you and me, I could REALLY use a vaca!). I'll be heading off to Namibia for two weeks of camping in some of the national parks and reserves and canyons and river beds. I am SO pumped!  I can't wait to unwind and be 'off the grid' for a while. I promise I'll take lots of pictures! And I'll fill everyone in when I get back! AND the day I get back just so happens to be the day before my birthday! YAY for turning one year older haha. But I have a few fun things planned for before I leave and for right after I return, so I'll have to keep the updates coming. 

But anyway, in other news...I guess it's time to make it official -- I have OFFICIALLY accepted the offer to return to South Africa and continue coaching for another year! I will be here until March 2015!!! BUT no worries...I'll still be back stateside in June/July for a few I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing everyone then! But then it's back this side to continue with this crazy adventure I like to call life! 

Here's to never letting any day be simply ordinary! 

And now, to end off this post, a few random photos I just had to share with you. :)

A rain spider. This thing was GIANT I promise you. UGH. (This is on my window at work).

Two of the flowers I received from two of my kiddies last week for the last week of classes. Gosh kids can be so cute sometimes...oh and ps..I love my job. :)

 Well, that's all for now folks! I hope Spring starts to descend upon everyone back home soon!

Until next time!

1 comment:

Yaquub said...

Hi Kadie Ray!

Love the wine and the Lion King. Not so much the spider...

Congratulations on getting to stay another year!