I had to write today's date down for something at work today and I almost flipped over in my chair. It's 2015!
It's the most insane thing to think about. But also so exciting at the same time!
2015 is a big year! As a friend literally just mentioned to me, it means we are now just as close to the year 2030 as we are to the year 2000. (Does anyone else find it hard to believe that 2000 was only
15 years ago?!?!?!) And now 2030 is only 15 years away!! Oh my goodness!!
And it being 2015 also helps me to realize that I arrived in South Africa in
2013. (What?!?!) I was here to ring in the new year in 2014. And now I'm here once more looking back on the last few years, and looking ahead to the next one. It's crazy how time flies when you're living life right?
I've never been one for New Year's resolutions...I find them to be predictable and....generally just half-posed attempts at making some sort of life change that really, you should just go ahead and implement anyways, scratch the whole "New Years" label off it. BUT I guess I can understand that a new year does feel like a new, fresh start in many ways. So I get where the idea comes from. And I guess, in a way, I do let little thoughts run through my head that are beginning to sound a bit like resolutions of sorts. OF SORTS.
Like: I have no idea what 2015 is going to bring, but I'm going to try to make it my most exciting year YET.
Or like: This year, I'm going to do my best (or try better than before) to see the beauty in the little things. To notice what's going on right in front of my face, and to make a concentrated effort to smile a few more times each day.
Yeah, okay.....you're right. Those are
definitely resolutions. Haha who am I kidding?
ANYWAY. I'm excited for wherever 2015 does take me, and I'm also glad for the chance to look back on how great 2014 was.
Especially the last 3 weeks of it! My end of December was filled to the brim with pure happiness, delight, love, joy, and friendship. What a way to knock out a calendar year!
My favorite person in the whole world (a.k.a. my mother) came to visit me once again in South Africa!!! And this time she brought 3 of her crazy friends with her! (Crazy in a good way!).
We did all SORTS of fun, awesome things! We went hiking, wining, dining, shopping (lots of shopping!), beaching, driving, cruising (like on an actual catamaran cruise!), safari-ing (I don't think that is a word, but I just made it one!), touring (like Robben Island! Or the crazy cool Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens!), and everything you can possible imagine in between. Our time together was filled with so many laughs, and just a few [almost] tears.
*Yes, I said
almost tears. That's what happens when either a) flights to loved ones get delayed, then cancelled, then re-routed (sorry ma!), or b) you get a flat tire on your journey home from safari and end up spending ridiculous amounts of time, energy, and money to get it fixed (that was no fun let me tell you). But luckily we were in wonderful company, so it was impossible to stay so blue!
Here's some photos from our time together:
Jennifer and I with ALL THREE of the Heathers downtown Cape Town! Photo cred: Stefanie Bourne |
Me and my ma! With some penguins in the background!! |
More penguins... |
Me! On the Boomslang Tree Canopy Walkway at Kirstenbosch Gardens! So cool! |
And one of more of my mom and I, on her last morning in South Africa. Soaking up as much sun as we can!
And here are some really awesome photos of our really awesome safari!!!
Stef! On Safari! With an Elephant! |
The safari gang! |
Oh hey there big guy! Photo cred: Stefanie Bourne |
Something tells me that nothing beats South African Safari Sunsets with these ladies.... |
Me with the Heathers! (2 of them at least). Photo cred: Stefanie Bourne
Rhino lovin' (Photo cred: Stefanie Bourne) |
Gemsbok! Photo cred: (You guessed it, Stefanie Bourne) |
Grazing party. Photo cred: Stefanie Bourne |
The COOLEST experience EVER. Photo cred: Stefanie Bourne |
Then, after too many good times and saying my goodbyes to all my lovely visitors from the U.S. of A., it was Christmas!! And while I was sad to be away for yet another Christmas, I had the BEST time with my 3 favorite ladies in Cape Town! In between the Christmas-themed movies and head-pieces (think Santa hats and reindeer antlers), Christmas cocktails and breakfast goodies (Hellooooo sticky buns and bloody mary's!), Christmas cookie-baking, Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, Christmas morning gift exchange, Christmas Day Cookout, and subsequent Christmas Day sillyness due to alarming amounts of alcohol being consumed (And, might I add, some very funny skype conversations that followed), it was hard to remember how much I missed home.
I had a wonderful Cape Town Christmas, and I feel so, so lucky to have met and become friends with such supportive, amazing women that helped to make it all the more fantastic.
Sadly, after Christmas was over, that meant some very sad goodbyes were up next. My friend Heather (ONE of the Heathers) left Cape Town a few days later. We had our fun saying goodbye in our own special ways (Sushi and Mojitos anyone??), but it was still a sad day in the Southern hemisphere.
But, if my years have taught me anything so far it's that goodbyes are only goodbyes if you want them to be. More often than not, they are simply "See you soon's."
And then after a few days' rest, we were ringing in the New Year the only way we could possibly think of. (YES I mean by a giant dance party and way too much booze).
Like I said...2014 dwindled down in the best way I could have imagined. And now, as I get back to "real life" and work and responsibilities.....I am beyond intrigued to see what comes next for 2015. There's already some crazy fun things on the calendar! I can't wait to keep you all posted!
Until next time....
...And one more photo, just cuz it's awesome. Thanks for capturing Jodi!
Me, jumping (obviously), on top of Table Mountain. Photo creds: Jodi Smedley |
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