As I'm sitting here at my computer, successfully procrastinating in my studying for finals, my thoughts keep returning to one thing - the fact that in two very short weeks I will be on one very long plane ride to one very far away country. KENYA here I come!
I know it has been a while since my last post, but as my next international adventure is about to be underway, of course it is time I updated!!
This semester has been trying to say the least. It seems my overwhelming thirst for knowledge of the cultures and languages of the world has led me to be more stressed than I ever thought possible-welcome to college in the 21st century I guess? BUT with my last final ending in just a few short days (Although it feels like its FOREVER away), I must conclude that this semester, as hellish as it was, has only made me stronger. I now KNOW I can make it through a 17-credit load, including 3 World languages and 2 part time jobs and SURVIVE! This semester has kept me so busy I haven't really had any time to focus on my winter break trip!
**If anyone wants a little more information about what I've been up to: Check out the Language Institute's website at the UW (Its where I work!)
That will take you to a link at Wisconsin Public Radio, I was recently a guest on a show called "Here On Earth"
I also helped to organize a major event with the Language Institute early in November called World Languages Day, click here to read the article:
SO as I might have mentioned, having time to BREATHE, let alone sleep, this semester has been difficult, BUT I couldn't be more excited about heading to Africa!!!
Hmm..maybe I should go back to the beginning of this story....
Back at the beginning of the semester, right around the end of August, I received a call from a Quest Kenya trip I had applied for the previous spring. When I applied, I was told they couldn't offer me a spot in the selected group of students. Apparently three months later, they decided to take one more person- ME! SO myself and 7 others will be leaving on New Year's Eve to spend 2 WONDERFUL weeks in Kenya, Africa. We are going to be working with a group called the Jirani Project-which works with students who have been orphaned throughout Kenya (Usually by AIDS). I get to spend two weeks getting to know these kids and helping out the Project. I could not BE more excited!!! To be going to a place that I can only associate with the Discovery Channel is beyond exhilarating. Honestly, before this trip, I knew NOTHING about Kenya, or really Africa in general. I was shocked to find my world knowledge so frightfully incomplete! I didn't know anything about the history, about the people, about the language....but since deciding to go, I've tried my hardest to learn as much as I can. I feel in no way well versed on the subject as of yet, but I'm working on it! :)
SO my plan is to keep everyone updated on the things I'll be doing whenever I can get Internet access. I have to keep everyone I care about updated, for without them, I would never have made it this far. I've never felt so blessed and excited about life and all it's possibilities, and that's all thanks to those that I love. This semester tried it's hardest to knock me down, but I'm coming out on top and READY for the trip of a lifetime, and the experiences that only such a trip can bring!! Can I get a HOORAY for international adventures????!
Kadie :)
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