Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Apologies A Million Times Over

Time flies. It is now the middle of March. How did that happen? I'm not so sure. I'm sorry I never did get a chance to finish my story from Kenya. Between going from Africa to London to Chicago to Madison to Poynette and then starting a whole new semester at the UW....somehow it just didn't happen. I am sorry, so very sorry. BUT I will continue my story now, and give some new updates.

I believe I left of with the day we returned to Nairobi. With only 3 days left of our time in Kenya, the feelings of the group were definitely in the realm of bittersweet. My time in Kenya feels somewhat dream like, especially with everything that has happened since. I was there, in this beautiful country surrounded by these beautiful people, and then all at once I was gone. It's a hard truth to reconcile. Anyway, on our day in Nairobi we decided to do a little more "sight-seeing" than we had previously in the trip. We went on a "Safari Walk," which, initially, was a thrilling idea. It was a 3 mile walk through a stretch of the Nairobi National Park. We were, unfortunately, somewhat disappointed upon arrival though. Apparently, because some of the wildlife is so endangered, keeping them in large fenced-compounds is the best way to care for them. It was more or less like a really large zoo. I mean, it wasn't really, as these animals were all in their natural habitats, and one could barely see the fences, and they had LOTS of room. But still. They weren't truly "wild." But, after getting over our initial disappointment, our group really enjoyed the experience. I saw a Rhino, and TONS of Zebras (albino ones too!), lions, leopards, some SUPER cute monkies....AND..I got to pet a cheetah! That was by far the coolest part, and I've included a picture just so you all know it ACTUALLY happened. I was such a strange experience, petting this large animal, that, even while purring, gave off a strange almost deadly it could kill me in about two seconds if it wanted to!

After our walk we got enjoy the National Park for a while, it was ABSOLUTELY gorgeous to say the least. Kenya has to be one of the most picturesque places I've ever visited. From there we went to the Giraffe orphanage I mentioned. We got to pet baby giraffes and feed them. We all let them kiss our faces as well! And let me tell you, you would probably think that a giraffe's tongue is all slimy and wet? WRONG! It is VERY rough! A lot like sand paper actually. But it was fun.

The next day we were off to Mombasa! Mombasa is a coastal city along the East African Coast. The drive there took about 9 HOURS! (remember how bad I said the roads were?) When we finally arrived, the first thing we noticed was how UNBELIEVABLY hot it was! I've never been in a more humid place I don't think. Nor have I ever sweat so much in my entire life. But, as soon as we took a glance at our lodgings for the next two nights, all was forgotten. We stayed in these small beach houses, which were actually VERY nice, with thatched roofs and beach side balconies, set just a few feet up from the white sand beach of the Indian Ocean. It was more than most people's imagined paradises. It was wonderful. And I, loving everything about warm weather and the ocean, I was lost in feelings of pure bliss. Our first night in Mombasa we ate dinner, then went out to a local bar to take Mark out for his birthday. It was a really great night with too much laughter

The next day we spent laying on the beach and playing the Indian Ocean. It was WONDERFUL. It has definitely made it in to my top ten places in the entire world. It was a very relaxing day where the group got to just mellow out and process all that we had seen and done.

The next day we returned to Nairobi, visited the Nairobi National Museum (where Lucy was residing!), and then we were saying our goodbyes. The trip of a lifetime completely flew by, and sometimes it feels like it didn't even happen. I will definitely have to go back someday.

When I got back to the states, I was rushed in to yet another semester at UW. As of right now, I'm right in the middle of midterms and counting down the days left until Spring Break. I LOVE my classes, I'm still taking Arabic. I also have an Ancient Islamic Civilizations class, a Politics of Human Rights class and a seminar on the Arab-Israeli conflict. I've officially declared International Studies with an emphasis on Global Security and Middle Eastern Studies AND in a few short weeks I will learn as to whether or not I will be abroad for all of next year! I have some REALLY EXCITING opportunities on the horizon, and I can't wait to share them all with you.

Until then, peace, love,


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