Thursday, August 26, 2010

END of Ulpan :(

I just finished my Hebrew final. Literally, about ten minutes ago, I handed in my test and walked out of my classroom. I LOVE the feeling one gets right after finishing a final-when all the loose ends are finally tied. (Not that I was nearly as stressed for this final as I usually am-in fact, I wasn't really stressed at all!) But its still a job-well-done kind of feeling, although saying goodbye to my wonderful Hebrew teacher, Sara Lee, was a bit sad. I'm going to miss her constant "I love yous" and "Haverims." (Haverim = "friend" in Hebrew). Before we started our test this morning in class, we had a wonderful chocolate cake made by Sara, and we went around and did a sort of yearbook siging: We all had paper clipped on our backs and we went around writing fun and cheerful [Hebrew] expressions for the new year. (The Jewish New Year-Rosh Hashanah-is fast approaching!) We took class pictures, and all ten of us decided that it has been a very successful month! We started not even knowing how to read the alphabet-and now, I can read, I can write, and I can UNDERSTAND. Its mind boggling just a little bit! (Of course I can only speak to you in present tense, but, that will change!)

SO needless to say, as of right now, I'm feeling pretty good. The last week of Ulpan has been a great one, and I'm somewhat sad to say that our farwell party is later today. Last week I was able to visit Tel Aviv, spend even more time at the beach, and tour the Atlit Detention Camp. (A detention camp used for Jewish immigrants during the time of the British Mandate.) I've been trying to spend as much time as possible with my newfriends that, sadly, are returnign to their respective homes soon-some tomorrow! This is the part about traveling and meeting new people that I despise-just when you've decided that you love spending time with someone, that you're really glad to have known them and to have met them and to have made memories together, you must say good bye. :(

So today, tonight, and this weekend will be my time to say goodbye to those that are not staying for the rest of the semester. Luckily though, there are quite a few of us who ARE staying, and so can look forward to our time off before the fall semester starts. Speaking of time off, while my plans are not exactly set in stone just yet, it sounds like in about a week we'll be heading off for Jordan, making our way to Egypt, then Greece and Turkey!! I'm SO excited for the traveling and the new experiences with new friends. (Not so much excited for the emptying of my bank account, but, [sigh] what can one do?) So while exact dates/places/prices haven't been hammered out yet, I know that my plan, first and foremost for the next six weeks (which is the amount of time I have until classes resume) is to see as much as I can see, experience as much as I can experience, and meet even more really amazing people. I can't wait to let eveyone know how it goes!

There's much to do before I head off of course, like [yikes!] laundry, sleeping (haven't been doing much of that lately), and makign sure everything is set for fall semester. (picking classes, etc.)

SO that's what I'll be up to until next week, but I'm sure a few more trips to the beach will be thrown in between. :D

I know that first days of school back home are fast approaching, and its a strange feeling to know I won't be starting with everyone. BUT I want to wish all my loves good luck, with school, with work, or with their senior year football seasons-I'm thinking about you all, and sending my love and support across the seas.

Until next time~

Peace, Salaam, Paz, Shalom :)

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