Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hello all! SO here's the thing about this University...it sits at the very top of a mountain. I mean this quite literally..which means that from the strolling green lawns of the University buildings, which, by the way, are so perfectly picturesque that it's almost impossible to put in to words, but the VIEW from up here is AH-MAZE-ING. From here we can see all of the rest of Haifa and the Mediterranean below....Its quite lovely, BUT it does make going anywhere in the city a bit of a pain...and a bit out of the ordinary for me, where flat lands is all I can see in Wisconsin, for the most part. So anywho...I live on a mountain..awesome..and here are a few of my pictures from my trip so far:

My new city :)

View of the coastline at Rosh Hanikra!

Sun, Mountain, Sea at Rosh Hanikra

My new every-day hangout :)

My room!

Living room...


GIANT hotdogs at the beach!!!

It was quite the feat!!

Also, I've been thinking that maybe there are a few sould out there who might want to reach me at some point while I"m here, and so, if you would need to, here are a few different manners in which to do so:

Kadie Ray
c/o International School
University of Haifa
Haifa 31905

Skype: kray0820
Email: kray@wisc.edu

Also, if anyone is interested in seeing the rest of my pictures so far, they can be found here (Or should be anyway)


Let me know!

By the way..I LOVE getting mail, hint hint!!!

Until next time....

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