Hello all! I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to update yet! It has been a whirlwind few days!! AND I've got to make this rather quick as it is pretty late here and my first test is tomorrow morning! AHHH!!!
SO let me start from the beginning? My flights went really well, we had a slight delay leaving Toronto, which meant I arrived in Tel-Aviv somewhat behind schedule, but it wasn't a big deal. After arriving at the airport, I somehow maneuvered myself along with my luggage on to the train to Haifa, and from there took a taxi to the University, it was quite painless really, and wasn't at ALL anything to be worried about (mom). Oh, and one slight detail I felt I just HAD to mention, when I got in to the backseat of the taxi at the train station, my driver was rocking out to "A Whole New World" - from Aladdin, no joke, haha! Anyway, I was pretty over tired though, as for some reason I couldn't sleep on the 12ish hour flight, so when I got in to my room Monday afternoon, my first order of business was to take a very refreshing, very necessary three-hour nap. After that I was able to take a look at my surroundings and living arrangements for the next few months and meet a few people. My room is pretty nice, quite simple, but nice, and I have my own bathroom and shower, which I love. The apartment I share is also home to three other girls, all Israeli, and all very nice. I can't wait to spend more time with them and get their help with my Hebrew homework! (One speaks Arabic as well, so I'll be able to chat with her and practice Arabic in the fall as well!)
Then, Monday night, our social coordinators for the summer Ulpan (summer Hebrew language study) took us all out to a nice bar downtown, and I learned way too many names than could be remembered in the course of one night. It was a fun night, albeit an early one, as most of us were still pretty jet-lagged. Tuesday was orientation and registration, which was really just a lot of wandering about a new campus trying to find the right buildings and rooms, filling out forms, etc. I definitely felt more or less like a freshman again! We had an orientation presentation and dinner that evening, and I had my first falafel of the year. It. Was. Wonderful!!!! OH how I've missed really good Middle-Eastern food! We listened to music all night long and spent more time getting to know each other. There are some really great students here, and I've had a really wonderful time finding out more and more about everyone around me with each new conversation. Although, I do seem to be the only mid-westerner here! Most are from the east coast, with a few Cali locals thrown in, but I'm definitely the only Sconnie!!! (Not to worry, I will represent to the best of my ability!)
That led us right up to Wednesday morning and our FIRST day of classes. Before my first session, I had sort of forgotten how difficult it is to learn a new language! But here I am, learning a new one, and right away Wednesday morning I was being grilled on a completely foriegn alphabet and pronunciation. Its an intensive language study, which means for the next four weeks I will have class five days a week (although this week we have class on Friday - which is usually part of the weekend here), for five hours a day. (Much like my schedule in Jordan a few years ago for any that might remember). SO for five hours a day I am being immersed in something new and exciting and different, and already, in two days of class, I know the alphabet, can read and write script and print, and can hold a simple conversation about who I am, where I'm from, what I study, etc. Isn't that exciting?!! I've learned so much in just two days its hard to fathom what the next month will bring. And Hebrew is definitely similar to Arabic! (Which has been helping me out a lot in class!) I do miss speaking Arabic regularly though, which is why I was happy when yesterday afternoon, after classes were dismissed, we were able to go to the Arab quarter of town for some shopping and shawerma! I got to order my food in a language I know and love, and read Arabic signs on the streets. (most everywhere else in Haifa are all in Hebrew). It felt like coming home. And while Arabic will always have a special place in my heart, I'm going to try to devote myself to learning this new language and studying this new culture, and so far, I couldn't be loving it more. :)
This afternoon after class, a small group of us took the train up to Nahariyya, on the VERY northern coast of Israel. We then hopped in a sherut (large, shared, taki-like things) and visited the caves and grottos at Rosh Hanikra-which is right on the border of Israel and Lebanon! We could actually see the bouys marking the border in the water! It was so exciting to be so close! (But somewhat dissheartening to know that it is as close as we can get..at least until we all get new passports). There was a light skirmish there just a few days ago, and a few soldiers were killed...which made at least one of the girls we were with pretty nervous, but the trip was a BLAST! AND I got the most amazing pictures! I can't wait to upload them for you all to see! Afterwards we grabbed dinner in Nahariyya and spent some time at the beach, then headed for home. I got back at around 11:00pm my time, but luckily I did most of my homework on the train, so now, all that's left before bed is a bit of studying before that test tomorrow morning!
For anyone that's wondering, it is INCREDIBLY hot here right now, and the dorms don't have ac...so my very first Israeli purchase? A fan...a desperately needed fan.
I can't wait to fill everyone in on more details, but it IS late, I wish I had more time! Hope all is well back home!
Until next time!
1 comment:
KADIE! So glad you are loving Israel already. I went there a few years ago, and now that I'm going to be living wayyy closer, I will absolutely be visiting, so prepare yourself for THIS weiner's invasion.
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