Sunday, August 1, 2010

There's a Wild Wild Whisper Blowing in the Wind, Calling Out My Name like a Long Lost Friend...

So as I'm sitting here in the Toronto airport, waiting for the next leg of my travels to begin, I feel a goodbye post is in order.

I had an amazing last few days at home, and thanks to everyone I love, I'm leaving knowing that I have the support and love and well wishes of a lot of people. I am always continually amazed by how lucky I am to have such a wonderful support system. My going away party Friday night was a HUGE success in my opinion, and for as much as I didn't originally want it to happen, I'm glad a few key persons brought it to life.

Thank you to everyone who came, and even those who didn't, but still wished me well and thought of me. I can't tell you all how grateful I am that you're in my life, that you care. I'm going on this new adventure, and I really can't wait, but I know I'm leaving behind some very special people.

On that note, I've learned quite a few things in leaving already, and I know I'll learn many more, but I figured I might as well share what I've gathered so far from this experience.

1) Sometimes preparing for the adventure of a lifetime is a lot more stressful than one would think. It isn't always the drop of the hat, fly by the seat of your pants thing that some might expect. This last week in the U.S. was probably one of the most stressful, difficult weeks of my life. BUT I made it through it, I tackled my first of many expected obstacles, and I cam out on the other side even stronger. (And I still haven't learned my lesson about starting to pack earlier!!)

2)I've learned a lot about the kind of people I want to have in my life over the last week. I've got some amazing people in my life that truly love me, and I also have some people that I've been hanging on to for far too long. I have been shy to let go of those who no longer give the same compassion and love to me as I give out, I've been hanging on to broken friendships for too long...I just can't do it anymore. I'm sad to recognize this change in my life, but, as that old saying goes..some people are in your life for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime. And I just have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone I love will be around for a lifetime.

3) I don't really have a three yet, but thanks to a friend of mine, I've become quite fond of adding in threes anyway.

Well I suppose I should head over to security...Wish me luck on my LONG flight to Tel Aviv, I'll update as soon as I can!!

Until then....

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