Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 Days and Counting!


I have 10 days to finish all preparations and say my final goodbyes, then.....

I'm leavin', on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again! Haha!

Now that I'm past the crazy excited/anxious phase, (not to say that I'm not still crazy excited and anxious), I've made some room for the stress and pressure that comes with packing up my entire life for a whole year. I swear my stomach is continually clenching and unclenching. What if I forgot something I absolutely NEED? What if I can't fit everything I want in my suitcase? What if I don't get to say goodbye to everyone I want to? What if I don't get everything done in time?!

I brain feels more scrambled than usual these days, and, if you know me, that IS saying something! I've got my passport back [FINALLY], I've got all the tickets squared away, I've done most of the shopping I need to, and I've got a BRAND NEW camera to take with me! So what's left?

Well, this weekend will be my last hurrah with some of my closest friends at Country Thunder. (SOOOOO EXCITED!!!) Then next week I will be working my final days at the Language Institute. [so sad, I know] Everyone at the Language Institute has been so wonderful to me and everything has worked out so perfectly here, I couldn't imagine a more perfect place to learn and grow and help further the UW's language goals. I think it's safe to say I'm going to miss it dearly. :(

But that's not the only major goodbye I've got on my agenda, I will also be moving out of my apartment, which means saying goodbye to Madison, and to the campus. It feels like I've been here for ten years already, but I can still remember my first day here down to every last detail. I will miss this city and this school as well. I can imagine that my first pang of homesickness will come at about the same time as the first home badger football game.

But then it'll be off to Poynette for two final days of packing, and a major goodbye bash. PLEASE, everyone, come. It may not be the best/funnest party you've ever been to, and I'm not sure what anyone will eat, or what we'll do all night haha, BUT I want to see everyone I love before I leave. I need to give credit where credit is due, and I wouldn't have made it to this place in my life, I wouldn't have been given this opportunity if it weren't for everyone that supported me along the way.

These next 10 days are going to FLY I just know it (the whole summer has flown!). But while the nerves are starting to kick in, I'm still psyched, and you can bet you'll be hearing from me no matter what--

til then...

Kadie :)

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