For some reason, holidays always put me in the reflective mood..and therefore, in the blogging mood. And so, I felt it only necessary, with Christmas Eve being tomorrow, that a new blog post be in order, along with a few updates from the last couple weeks.
So, updates first? And then on to Christmas? Ok, sounds like a plan...
SO first of all, I can't BELIEVE there are only TWO WEEKS left of classes here!! AHHHH!! I mean, at the same time I sort of can't believe I'm STILL in class, while everyone else I know and love is done with their semesters and back home with their families...but feels like it all went soooo fast! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was going to my first classes here at Haifa U..and now..they're almost at an end. CRAZY. But, classes are going well..made it through midterms, and now eagerly looking forward to my final papers [not]. between the schoolwork and the internship work, I've been making as many memories with these amazing people as I can. Last week was our student Christmas Party. We had so much fun with our gingerbread cookies and our santa hats all night! ALSO- I've been receiving WONDERFUL packages and letters in the mail, reminding me that my loves..that my life..that its all still waiting for me back home. (So thank you, if you did indeed send is the brightest part of my days, hearing from everyone back in the states).
AND last weekend, my dear friend Patrick came to visit! Fresh from his semester abroad in Alexandria, he stopped in Haifa and we had quite the time catching up on our respective semesters abroad and future plans. On Saturday he joined myself and some other international students at the Christmas Festival in Wadi Nisnas in lower Haifa. It was a BLAST. The streets were gushing with people, from young kids, to old couples, and brimming with food stands and Christmas shops and arts stalls and craftsmen. There were live performers singing their hearts out from rooftops, and there were kids with wildy painted faces waving GIANT cones of cotton candy. It was the most wonderful atmosphere, and a welcomed was the most Christmas imagery I've seen yet in Israel. And...coming from someone who has always woken up to a Christmas Tree on December was nice to see one..or one hundred...We also got to see a parade!! It was so exciting! And children marching and playing drums, and a brass band marching away to some of my favorite Christmas songs..the only thing that could have made the whole experience better MIGHT have been less rain? But it was still soooooo fun!!
But anyway, after the festival, Patrick and I had dinner at this AMAZING Lebanese restaurant (and orderd it all in Arabic too!) We both reveled in the fact that we were able to meet up so far from home. Something strange alights within you when you meet a friend from back in the states halfway across the world..its like this...ironic "its a small world after all" moment. And we loved every second of it! Its an experience I've been lucky enough to know a few times in my life..and I look forward to many more. Its the greatest feeling in the world I think, being reminded that the world we live in, really isn't that large anymore. Parting ways at the end of the weekend was tough for me..mainly because I know he's returning to everything I know and love next semester in Madison..while I'm venturing off in to yet another unknown. [GASP]--am I a bit jealous??
But now, all thoughts of next semeter, and my worries and fears, and my excitement and anxieties have left my mind..or..just moved to the back of it for the time being..why?? BECAUSE ITS CHRISTMAS!! Tomorrow morning I'm heading to Jerusalem for the weekend. That's right..I will be in Jerusalem for Christmas this year! And, while I'm so SO excited for my weekend spent with my pseudo-family here...I'm also just a touch sad about missing out on all the traditions I've grown so fond of from back home.
This Christmas...I won't be woken up on Christmas morning, for the first time in my ENTIRE existence, by my little brother. I'm not sure how I'll react to that. I'm not sure I'll like it either. I can't imagine being woken up by anyone or anything other than him. This Christmas, I won't be gathered around a tree with my family on Christmas Eve..I wont get to share in the talking and laughing and the shared memories we all have. I won't get to hear their stories of everyone I love thats left us..I won't get to marvel at their wisdom. I won't get money cleverly placed and hidden in the middle of my gifts from two of the most wonderful aunts in the world. This Christmas I won't get to play any of our favorite card games that last for hours and hours.
This Christmas, I won't get to watch Garfield's Christmas with my cousins for the MILLIONTH time and sing all the songs at the top of our lungs. I won't get to eat at least three of those little Christmas Tree-shaped cookies at the farm a day. I wont get the cheese-y potatoes, or the greenbean casserole. I won't get the 20-person game of "crap on your neighbor" (played with nickels and dimes of course!) This Christmas, I won't be sprawled out on the living room floor every night at my grandmas.
This Christmas, I won't get a "Maninizer" party with my best friends in the ENTIRE world. I won't get to make cookies with my roomates, or make a snowman and snow angels with my mother. I won't get to go sledding down the bestie's driveway..and I won't get to wear a bow in my hair all night long on Christmas Eve.
Its safe to say that THIS Christmas...will be a different one for me...thats for sure..BUT..this Christmas, I'll get to learn, and grow, and realize the importance of everything I may or may not have taken for granted in the past. This Christmas, I'll get to spend time with new friends, in new places, and build new memories, and new experiences, and make new traditions. This Christmas, I'll get to sing songs and frost cookies with people from all around the world. I might be missing out on my favorite holiday traditions..and..while that's sad...its not the end of the world..and do you know why? Two reasons: One, because I still have SO MUCH love, and good, and happiness and spirit and friendship surrounding me. There is still so much good to focus on in the world and in my life right now. It makes it almsot impossible to be sad. To quote one of my ALL TIME favorite movies (and triple brownie points if you can name it!) "Christmas really is ALL around"
And Two? I know all those traditions will be there waiting for me next year..I know my family, my friends, my cat and my dog, my tree and my stocking, my snow piles and my sleds, my cookies and my fudge will all be there next year..and I can't WAIT to go back to them. Its true what they say..absence makes the heart grow fonder...but more than that..absence makes the heart GROW. And...perhaps I'm stealing a line or two from the Grinch, but..THIS Christmas, I can feel my heart TRIPLING in size.
To everyone back home: enjoy our traditions, and think of me while you do..know that I'll be thinking of all of you. And know that I'm learning and growing and becoming someone I know you'll all be proud of when I get back home. BUT don't let that for even a SECOND make you think I don't miss each and every single one of you!!
Sending all of my Christmas and holiday love to everyone....
Until next time..possibly next year???
1 comment:
No Channukah love?? Well, enjoy christmas kadie piee
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