Happy 2011 Everyone!!!
GOSH I can't believe 2010 is officially over. Fastest year of my life? Or maybe each consecutive year just keeps getting faster? All I know is I'm at that point where I wish I had the remote control to life..I could really use a PAUSE button right now, or even a rewind....it feels like EVERYTHING is on fast-forward!! My semester in Haifa is over. What??? UN-BELIEVE-ABLE!!! My last day of classes was Thursday, and that, combined with the multitude of goodbyes, combined with having NO IDEA what my life will bring me over the next couple weeks has made for one seriously anxious/emotional/stressed Kadie.
I feel like I went straight form having all the time in the world left in Haifa, to none at all. Is there no happy medium in life? At all?
Christmas in Israel was fairly non-existent..but, it was a GREAT weekend just the same. And ringing in the New Year couldn't have been more fun! I'm never going to forget my first few moments of 2011. And then my last week with everyone I love here..was unbelieveable. Talk about making moments count.
The goodbyes were horribly difficult. And I still don't feel like it's real yet. I feel like I'm still going to see everyone tomorrow, like we're still going to have class together...it hasn't really hit me that everyone is a world away already. Maybe becuase I'm still here? I decided to spend my last weekend in Tel Aviv, and so I'm currently sitting on a VERY purple couch at a friend's place, enjoying my LAST SHABBAT. For something that was so hard to get used to initially, I'm really going to miss Shabbat every week. And thats just the beginning of the long, long, LONG list of things from my life here that I know will be dearly missed.
But, now is not the time to dwell on what was, for time is running out..and I need to start focusing on what is to come. Tuesday morning, I'm leaving Israel. (YIKES!!!) I'm setting off on yet another adventure, and this one's sure to be a good one. First stop? Jordan, one last time. I never would have dreamed that I would get to spend so much time with my family there, but I'm so glad I have the time and the ability to make it there one last time before I leave this region of the world. And then? Europe officially becomes my playgorund. I'm so so SO excited to see new places and be completely homeless for a while. It will be a month of the complete unknown. And, while that is, of course, somewhat unnerving, I'm ready for whatever it might bring. I've often been described by others as fearless, and, that suits me just fine. But to me, fearless isn't explicity, if at all, the absence of fear...but having the courage to go on anyway. MAYBE that's too straight-out-of-an-inspirational-quotes-calander for y'all...but it resonates for me. I live it. I am absolutely TERRIFIED for the next couple of weeks. I'll be on my own for a LOT of it. I'll be in completely foriegn places and environments. AND I don't have a single set-in-stone plan at ALL. Scary? Ummmmm YEA. You could say that. But, am I gonna do it anyway? Ummmm HELL YEA. So does that make me fearless? Does that make me stupid? Maybe? Haha, I like to think that makes me adventerous. And maybe a little bit crazy? (Sidenote-everyone should you tube Shakira's new song "Loca Loca". Its my new theme song.) And, in my opinion..everyone needs to be a little crazy. Or should be.
But anyway..here's to having one FANTASTIC start to 2011...and having a year thats sure to be full of changes, challenges, and new adventures. 2010 was a blast, and it left me with high hopes for the new year. Don't worry, I'll keep everyone updated along the way. Half the fun of having new experiences is sharing them right?
I hope everyone had a wonderful new years, and that all is going well.
Until next time...and who knows where I'll be by then....
P.S.-I'm also going to be featured as a Study Abroad correspondent at Madison and at the University of Minnesota next semester--you can find the UW one here:
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