Thursday, April 7, 2016

Birthday Musings

Today is my 26th birthday.

I am officially 26 years old. That's 312 months. That's 1355 weeks. That's 9490 days. (Well...I'm rounding...but you get the idea). It is now officially impossible for me to deny my 'adult' status any longer (sadly).

So it felt like it was as good of a day as any for a new post. It is one my favorite days after all!

You see, exactly one year ago today I returned back to Wisconsin after leaving my life halfway around the world. I returned home with a heavy heart and with no clue what the next year of my life would entail. Here's the thing though - I truly believe the best years of my life are the ones that sneak up on me, the ones that are unplanned for and unprepared for. I would have never guessed exactly one year ago today that I'd be ringing in my 26th birthday the way I am, but there you go. Who can guess where they'll be exactly a year from now anyway? Or 5 years? Or 10?

What is my POINT exactly?

Good question. It is this: life is wonderfully, beautifully unexpected. Embrace the beauty and the unexpected. It really is what you make of it. Nothing about my everyday life is even remotely familiar to what it was at age 25...but that's okay. Welcome even. And I can only hope that 26 switches it up on me even more.

Here's the thing about birthdays...they're inherently reflective. (I think it's that whole fact that they come around once a year at the same time every year?). Either way, they force you to look back and reflect on where you've been and how far you've come. I can't help but look back at my first 25 years and feel supremely lucky. Thank you to everyone who's been a part of my version of this crazy wild ride they call life. I love each and every one of you. Here's hoping the next 25 are filled with just as much fun, just as much laughter, just as many adventures, just as many rainy days, just as many friendships, and just as many beautiful sunsets (if not more). I am so, so excited to see where we go!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

She Goes Where the Wind Suggests She Goes

A few too many months have gone by since my last update I do believe!

April was a whirlwind month of visiting New York City, being back home in Wisconsin, adjusting to life back in the the United States in general, and feeling completely and utterly lost as far as what I was going to do next. To those of you that had to put up with my umpteen conversations that sort of went "I have no IDEA what's next for me" .... I'm sorry. Thank you for your love, patience, support, and confidence in me.

Then the month of May seemed to disappear even faster than April did as I began to imagine a new reality for myself and make some plans.

And now it's June. And I'm living that new reality. I have officially accepted a job at Epic Software Systems in Verona, Wisconsin! They are a healthcare IT company that works with electronic medical records and they create software systems that are used by hospitals and healthcare clinics all over the United States, and the world!

I will be working with their implementation team, so that means that when I finish my training, I'll be heading out to customer sites (i.e. hospitals and clinics) and helping them plan and manage the implementation of the software.

This wasn't where I thought I'd be on June 21st, 2015, but here I am. I am so excited for the potential opportunities that this new position will bring, and so excited to be working in such an important and vital industry. AND the best part? Company headquarters are right here in Wisconsin. :)

Life is funny isn't it? It can be so ironic in the best of ways. But I couldn't be happier for this new and exciting start and am so looking forward to seeing where it will take me! (Literally and figuratively!) I've been lucky enough to learn that sometimes, you just need to open your heart and your mind to something new and totally different. Who knows? It might just be the best thing that's ever happened to you.

So here's to new beginnings and striking a new path! Can't wait to give everyone more updates soon!

Until next time...

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Cape Town: The Finale

These past few weeks have been SO surreal.

One minute, I'm surrounded by friends from all walks of life taking in the beauty and serenity that is Cape Town, South Africa.

The next second, I'm bustling along on the New York City subway trying my best to pretend I'm a local - stopping off to fight my way through the line to get an AMAZING bagel early in the morning.

And then just a moment later, I'm back HOME. Spending time with my family, laughing at their jokes, soaking in all things Wisconsin, and snuggling with the very best cat EVER.

It has been a crazy few weeks but now that I have a bit of time to sit down and reflect on it all, I can't help but look back and smile.

Let's start from the beginning shall we?

My last two weeks in Cape Town some very good friends traveled to visit me! Not only did I get to catch up with some of my favorites, but I got to show them how AWESOME South Africa is too!

Only a few short hours after arriving, we hit the beach! (Of course!). Then, the very next day, we hit the ground running (or hiking rather!) and we hiked up Table Mountain! I feel as if I'm a seasoned veteran of Table Mountain by now! But those views certainly never disappoint!

They made it! The gang on Long Beach in Noordhoek!
From left: Quin, Taylor, Me, and Patrick! (Missing: she was taking the photo!)
[Photo cred: Madeline Dugolenski]
And here we go a hikin' [Photo cred: Quin Knuteson]
The girls mid-hike!
[Photo cred: either Quin or Pat while using Taylor's's unclear hehe]

Sigh....Cape Town. How I miss you already. As seen from the top of Table Mountain.
[Photo cred; Quin Knuteson]

And one more panorama shot just for good measure. Stunning, right?
[Photo cred: Taylor Hebel]

In addition to hiking and beaching it, we did all sorts of other fun things too! Like sunset cruising (and be careful, when the skipper says you WILL get wet if you sit up front..believe him!), shopping, wine tasting ( there anything else to do in Cape Town really?), brunching and lunching, and ziplining! Here are a few photos of our shenanigans:

Maddie, Taylor and I before the cruise left the dock! (We are still dry)
[Photo cred: Patrick Falk]

The gang on the sunset cruise! Please notice how not-dry we all are at this point....

But, it was all worth it to see this beauty! Another amazing Cape Town sunset in the books!
[Photo cred: Taylor Hebel]

First official wine tasting! Raka wines! (Let's not dwell on the face that it was 9:30 in the morning shall we?)
[Photo cred: Taylor Hebel]

Another wine tasting to start another day! At Cape Point Vineyards in Noordhoek.
And at the oldest wine estate in South Africa! Groot Constantia! 

Taylor, myself, and Maddie in Hout Bay!
[Photo cred: Either Pat or Quin]
Some face painting at the Hout Bay Market!
[Photo cred: Quin Knuteson]

Ziplining! Woooo!!!
We also just HAD to go on safari! (One last time for me!) This was by far the rainiest safari experience I've had, but was still up there with being just as much fun! And while we missed out on some animals (like elephants), we still got to see a lot of really cool animals! (Like cheetahs!). I know it might be a while before I get a chance to go on another African safari, so I'm glad I had this one with some great friends to tide me over for a while. 
Maddie and I in front of our bush villa!
[Photo cred: Taylor Hebel] 

[Sigh] beautiful....
[Photo cred: Taylor Hebel]

Hey there lil guys!
[Photo cred: ]
SO cool.
[Photo cred: ]

This bug guy was chasing after some wildebeest!
[Photo cred: Quin Knuteson]

Gerry the giraffe! (I gave him that name..doesn't he look like a Gerry?)
[Photo cred: Quin Knuteson]

On a rainy game drive!
[Photo cred: Madeline Dugolenski]

WHOA. Hi there.
[Photo cred: Madeline Dugolenski]
Oh hey there Mr. Springbok. I see you!
[Photo cred: Madeline Dugolenski]
[Photo cred: Madeline Dugolenski]
Safari living

After returning from our safari road trip, we just HAD to visit Boulder's Beach one last time! I had to say goodbye to all the cute little penguins! 

Taylor and I with some penguins in the background! 
The whole gang after spending an afternoon with the penguins! 

But saying goodbye to the penguins was actually the least of my worries. I had quite a few more difficult goodbyes to say to my Cape Town "family."

Heather, Holly, Stef and I. Our last Cape Town sunset together.
[Photo cred: Jack Marriott]

All my co-workers! Such a fun bunch!

We might all look happy, but this was my very last night in Cape Town...saying some last goodbyes!

 And then, like sand through the hourglass.....(Days of Our Lives anyone??), haha but really. Far too quickly for my liking, my plane was taking off and taking me away from Cape Town for who knows how long. South Africa was the most incredible experience and taught me more than I could ever even begin to articulate. The people, the animals, the sea, the mountains....they all have stolen a small piece of my heart that I don't think I'll ever get back. I know that right before I fall asleep at night, I'll always remember the spray of the sea and the smell of the salt...the warm sand between my toes. And I know that whenever I think of Cape Town, I'll think of lots of laughter, the BEST friendships, really good wine, and the burn in my legs from hiking just a few more meters before stopping to take a break. My heart is heavy with the realization that this time I haven't just left for a visit...that I really won't be going back.

But as they say...all good things must come to an end. And if my [ahem!] 25 short years have taught me anything thus far, it's that goodbyes are never forever, and change is almost always a good thing. So - onwards and upwards! To the next great thing, whatever that may be!

I'll fill everyone in more soon! Up next: stories of my time in NYC! Until next time!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Final Countdown

I’ve been putting off writing this post. Because once this post is written and published, there’s no going back. It will be officially official. My time in South Africa is quickly coming to an end. I have this irrational feeling that maybe, the longer I wait to write it and post it, the longer I can put off the inevitable.

But there’s no putting anything off anymore. I have two short weeks left in Cape Town 
[AHH!!! HOW can that be true?!!?]

So the time has come to make the most of it! And in between a few last [stressful] weeks at work, I’ve been trying to fit in as much Cape Town as I can!

I’ve been doing my best to create as many crazy unforgettable memories in this crazy place as possible.

A few weeks ago, some friends and I spent a stunning Saturday afternoon wine tasting (what ELSE would we do in Cape Town on a gorgeous afternoon?) Not only did I get to check out a few wine farms I had never been to before, but I got to do it with some lovely company.

Wine tasting gang! 

Summer days, dresses, and wine...great combination! 

And THEN, just a few short weeks later, one of my favorite wine festivals, The Ommiberg Festival, was on! So even though I was really beginning to get sick of drinking so much wine (yea….right…) I decided to join in the fun! We made it a work function and I got to spend a FANTASTIC day with my co-workers. [I swear my co-workers are better than yours!].

The Gym Wizards crew! [photo cred: Mirinda Coertzen]

What else would we do at a Wine Farm? Hehehe [Video cred: Tania Williams]

And in between all the wining and dining I’ve been pool-side lounging, hiking, sight-seeing, and parade-watching! (tough life right?)

Some friends welcoming back Heather to Cape Town!

Heather, Stef and I loving on each other [Photo Cred: Holly Marriott]

Cape Town Carnival Parade with Stef, Heather, Holly, and Caroline! [Photo Cred: Jack Marriott]

PLUS – MY BESTIES ARE COMING! MY BESTIES ARE COMING! That’s right  folks, on Saturday morning Poynette, Wisconsin is invading South Africa. I can’t WAIT to share one more African adventure with some of my closest friends! One last “jol” as they say here in SA!

Then, before I know it [and before I will be ready for it I’m sure] I will be on a fancy jet plane headed back over the Atlantic. I have a few preliminary plans set in place. (Like visiting NYC and celebrating my birthday!) But after that, who knows? Haha…I’m going to start channeling my inner-Pocahontas…I can’t wait to see ‘what’s around the river bend!’

I promise – I’ll be sure to keep you updated along the way.

Until next time! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


What does one do when they are living in Cape Town and they have a weekend coming up with no plans?

They go on an adventure of course!

Mosi-oa-Tunya is Tonga (an African language spoken in Zambia and Zimbabwe) for: "The smoke that thunders."

And boy does it thunder.

It refers to the absolutely INCREDIBLE wonder of the natural world that sits right on the borders between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It refers to Victoria Falls.

Annnnnd...for those of you that might not know...Victoria Falls is a MASSIVE waterfall! [Get it? The smoke that thunders? The smoke is the mist from the falls...and the thunder is the sound of thousands of pounds of rushing water!]

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls (and I'm taking this from Wikipedia don't judge too harshly if the facts are wrong!) is considered to be the world's largest waterfall (not the highest, or the widest, but the LARGEST due the tons and tons of water and the sheer size of the falling sheets). It's about twice the height of Niagra Falls!

And it is BEAUTIFUL.

Two weeks ago, some friends and I decided that we simply had to see the place for ourselves. So, we hopped on a plane (and then another one!), and after rerouting a bit due to border patrol not quite liking that our whole party did not have proof of yellow fever vaccinations, we made it!

We arrived on the Zambian side of the Zambezi river and the falls, in a little town called Livingstone. We only had the weekend, so time was tight to really make the most of our time.

That first afternoon (after trying to get cash out of EVERY SINGLE ATM in Zambia to no avail - some sort of city-wide blackout....what else is new?), but after about two hours, we headed straight for the Zambezi, and a sunset cruise on the river!

The girls and I cruisin' the Zambezi! 
We saw hippo and crocodile, beautiful birds, and the most stunning sunset. And the ever flowing drinks on the cruise helped us in to our relaxed vibes a bit!

One super awesome sunset.....

Then after a few more drinks back at our warm and welcoming hostel (and chatting to new found friends!), it was an early night to bed.


Early the next morning, we were suited up and given a quick safety briefing before white water rafting down the gorge and rapids of the Zambezi!

Now apparently white water rapids are rated on a scale from 1-6. (Or so we were told). 1 being the easiest and safest and 6 being the toughest, most difficult and dangerous. We did category 5 rapids! 3 of them! And a whole bunch more! We made it through ten rapids all together! (Minus one we had to get out and walk around because it was that dangerous).

The VERY first rapid, our raft completely capsized. Never in my life have I been so terrified of drowning. BUT it was also so much fun! We made it down the river (And I only fell out one other I felt pretty good!), and when we were finished, we were all sufficiently exhausted and ready for some chill time and a good lunch.

Annnd we are flipping over. Awesome. 

Crashing through the rapids! 

Hang on for dear life! 

We are in there somewhere....

We have ONE picture that looks calm and peaceful like this...ONE.

Then, after lunch, we had another adventure planned! A quick boat trip from Zambia to Livingstone Island - where we got our first REAL view of the falls and we got to swim in Devil's Pool!!!

Boat ride to Livingstone Island! 

Double rainbow? Yay! 

The girls and I at Livingstone Island loving the views.
Devil's pool is this little pool right at the edge of the falls! You have to swim your way out there, battling the strong currents, and then you can hang out in the pool and watch in awe, wonder, and sheer terror as the water flows past you and right over the edge and over the falls! It was the most insane thing I have ever witnessed or experienced and something I cannot recommend highly enough! Put this on your bucket lists folks!


Once again..hanging on for dear life! 

We might look happy...but we are all terrified. 

We even got one of our guides to take video footage for you can really see how close they let us get to the edge! Check it out:

After an unbeatable experience, we got to watch an unbeatable sunset go down over the falls. Hands down one of my all time favorite days I have ever had the pleasure of living through.

Best. Day. Ever!!! 

Then the next morning (our last in Vic Falls), we traipsed across the bridge and walked ourselves in to Zimbabwe! We got to see the falls from the other side (and get rained on a bit thanks to the mist!). It was the most pleasant 3 hours I have ever spent in a country! Haha! (We had to hurry our butts back to the Zambian side to catch our flight home!).

The bridge connecting Zambia and Zimbabwe over the Zambezi River


Completely soaked thanks to the giant waterfall. Sheesh. 

I like to stand near the edge of waterfalls...

I also like to sit close the edge of waterfalls...

Does it get any better? 

I got a quick shot of Devil's Pool from across the gorge! (Before it started down pouring on my camera from all the mist off the falls). See that little pool straight across? That's it!

Another shot of Devil's Pool from across the can even see people about to jump in and swim in it! See them?

[Happy face]

All in all it was a weekend completely packed with unforgettable, once in a lifetime experiences (that, naturally, I cannot wait to repeat someday). And as I was on my way home late that Sunday night, I could not stop grinning from ear to ear. Spontaneous trips and good friends and adrenaline and good food and good wine....if this is life, I'll take it. SO lucky and happy to be living it each day.

I'm not sure when the next sudden desire for adventure will hit (let's be honest...when do I NOT have a sudden desire for adventure?) I guess I should rather ask..I'm not sure when I'll next act on my impulses for adventure, but I promise I'll keep everyone updated when I do!

Until next time!

One more...cuz it's awesome....